Monday, April 25, 2016

I Am The Messenger (Quiz & Two Sets of Questions

April 20, 2016
I Am The Messenger Quiz pages 37-66

1. What does the bank robber tell Ed in court? ____________________________________________________

2. How long does the robber get in jail?  _________________________________________________________

3. What happens in the first house—Edgar Street? _________________________________________________

4. What does Ed realize he has been chosen to do?   ________________________________________________

5. What happened at 2nd house—Harrison Avenue?  _______________________________________________

6. Does Ed complete the Harrison Ave mission?  __________________________________________________

7. Why does Ed like being Jimmy?  ____________________________________________________________

8. What did the mysterious call say? ____________________________________________________________

9. What does Ed find at the third house--Macedoni Street?  __________________________________________

10. How are all 3 houses similar so far? _________________________________________________________

I Am The Messenger 67-79
Period 1 or 5;
April 21, 2016

Directions: Please write these answers on a separate piece of paper. Please write in complete sentences so I know what you are writing about. I will collect the work when I get back on Monday. You can work together at your tables if you’d like, but ultimately the opinion questions should not be the same as someone else’s because that would really be lame.

1. There’s a quote on page 79 that discusses diamonds in a symbolic, metaphorical way. Three sentences. Find it and write it down. What theme can you connect this quote and why?

2. Explain why you think Ed chose to give her an empty box of shoes instead of a nice pair of running shoes?

3. Do you agree with Ed’s choice of the empty shoebox or should he have bought her a nice pair of running shoes? Explain your reasoning.

4. What do you think Ed means when he tells Sophie that he is “just another stupid human?”

5. What do you think the symbolism is in the “Another Stupid Human” chapter being a Joker?

6. Motivation question: Why do you think Ed feels the need to complete the challenges on the card by himself instead of calling the police or asking his friends to help or just ignoring them completely?

7. What sort of figurative language does Zusak use in the third paragraph (“The violence…”) of page 77 (and really, all over this page, this book)? Why does he chose that one instead of another type? Is the type he chose effective? Why or why not?

8. Per page 74, write your own definition of saint? Is Ed a saint? Explain your answer using the bank, his family, his friends and the 3 girls on the card. Sainthood here relates to heroism, I think. More metaphorical than literal. I could be wrong? If you’d like, you’re welcome to bring any religious background you have into this question of saints/sainthood and use it to answer this question.

9. Who is a saint/hero in your life? Explain what makes them that.

10. What do you think the symbolism is in the “Edgar Street Revisited” chapter being a Queen?

11. For some reason, maybe Sophie’s section, made me think of crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is when ordinary people like you or I donate money to help make something happen. It could be earthquake relief, someone’s medical bills, to help an artist record an album, anything. I see these all the time through sources like gofundme and kickstarter. Just this year I got an email through school from a teacher I don’t know to help out with his brother-in-law’s medical bills in Pennsylvania (he was jumped and severely beaten). I didn’t donate any money if you’re wondering.
                Now here is the question that I would like answered in a paragraph. Do you think donating money is the best thing to do or is there something else that could be better? In all of Ed’s situations, he could have used “crowds” to help fund his challenges. A lawyer for Edgar Street, Shoes for Sophie and a nice retirement home for Milla. So the question is, do you support donating money to causes? If yes, why and what have you donated to recently or would’ve liked to donate to? If no, what is the best way to help a situation that is way bigger than you? This should be a nice, lengthy well written paragraph full of honesty and support. There is no right or wrong answer.

I Am The Messenger 80-91
Period 1 or 5;
April 22, 2016

Directions: Please write these answers on a separate piece of paper. Please write in complete sentences so I know what you are writing about. I will collect the work when I get back on Monday. You can work together at your tables if you’d like, but ultimately the opinion questions should not be the same as someone else’s because that would really be lame.

1. What do you think the symbolism is in the “Murder at the Cathedral” chapter being a King?

2. Ed asks the question: What if I don’t do it (complete the Edgar Street challenge)? What do you think would happen if Ed quit the cards?

3. Ed can’t tell which one cursed him more, the card or the gun. This brings up the old blessing or a curse argument. Do you think the cards are a blessing or a curse for Ed? Explain?

4. Someone at your table must have a phone with YouTube. Find the video or song “I Would Walk 500 Miles” by The Proclaimers. Listen to the lyrics. Get the mood of the song. Would this be a good song to play behind this scene if it were to be a movie? Explain your answer.

5. Do you think Ed shot the man? Explain why or why not.

6. In only 91 pages Ed has become a different person. Is this a realistic change for a person to make? Is it believable?

7. How far do you predict Ed will go for the missions on the cards?

8. Of all the missions, which one do you think was the most important? Yes, you have to pick one and explain why? Thanks.

***Okay, get to reading. You should be on page 111 by Monday. It’s supposed to be nice out this weekend. You want to get the reading done right now and not have any homework. See you on Monday. Miss you all.

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