Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Mixtape for Eleanor & Park

A “Mix-Tape” for Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

“How Soon Is Now?” by The Smiths
Park gives this song to Eleanor. Eleanor listens to this song over and over again. The lyrics in this song obviously speak to Eleanor and Park: “I am human and I need to be loved just like everyone else does.” Morrissey, the singer/lyricist, speaks plainly and truly about love and boils love down to a simple need comparable to food, water or air.

“Boys Don’t Cry” by The Cure
There is a simple message in this song: boy’s cry. They don’t want to because I guess they shouldn’t, said someone somewhere. Park cries. It’s what love does to you. And it’s okay. It’s okay for anyone to cry regardless of gender. And you too can cry while reading this book, especially if you’ve met that someone special and that someone…well, read the book first.

“Love Will Tear Us Apart” by Joy Division
Spoiler alert. Kind of. Love doesn’t tear anyone apart in this book. Kind of. Park loves Joy Division. This isn’t the happiest music. Read about them on Wikipedia or something. But this song, by the title alone, elicits a certain mood, a Park which seems to suit Park until Eleanor comes along.

“All You Need Is Love” by The Beatles
Eleanor has a rough life. Her step-dad Richie is an abusive drunk. She shares her room with all four of her siblings. But she finds Park. And with Park comes love. Afterwords, all that Eleanor needs is Park. And Park is love. Plus, this is the one band that Eleanor introduces Park to.

“Out of Step” by Minor Threat
Park loves punk rock when he’s angry. He says playing it loud quiets his thoughts. I agree (sometimes). This song is about being an outsider, different than the rest of the “normal” people. Park and Eleanor fit this profile exactly, but finding each other puts them “in step.”

“I Want To Know What Love Is” by Foreigner
If Eleanor and Park make it to prom, this will be there song. Surprisingly Eleanor hates the song, but Park likes it. It’s a classic 80’s song. It’s cheesy. It’s grandiose. Maybe those two traits mimic the book. Yes, the book is cheesy, the love between the two characters seems a bit grandiose, but love, after all, is never perfect (and may not be seen as the best choice when you are older).

“Over the Ocean” by Low
Though this song was written after the time period in which Eleanor and Park takes place in, Low does have a connection to the book. Low is from Minnesota. They sound like they come from a cold, quiet place, a place with long winters spent indoors with someone you love. “Over the Ocean” is a simple song with a simple message: listen to the last two lines. I hope Eleanor & Park’s line is “And if I belong, then I’ll be longer than I expected.” Minnesota is far away from anywhere when you’re in love.

Quarter One Reading Requirements

When I Finish A Book I Do This:
First Book Read by Friday September 9, 2016
Second book Read by Monday October 3, 2016
After both books you must either

Present a two minute book talk (summary, genre, what you like about it, theme/main idea) about the book.  The grade will be based on how well you sell this book.  At least one “important” paragraph must be read.  This has to be done directly after warm-ups.  Please sign up in advance (meaning let me know a least a day in advance). 

Or write this on a piece of paper, which I will read out loud to the class. 

Plus, for one of the two independent books you must complete one of the options below by October 3, 2016

01. Draw a picture that represents the theme or the Central/Main Idea.  A caption at the bottom of the picture must be a proficient Theme Statement or Central/Main Idea statement. A theme statement can be something like this one for Eleanor & Park: Love can happen in and instant and disappear in an instant.

02. Build a Legos (or something like that) Diorama of a scene that shows how the setting influences the character & conflicts in the book.

03. write the next chapter of the book. This is a great option for books in a series or books with an ending that leaves you guessing. (Please include a brief summary of the book, especially the cliff hanger ending.

04. Create a “mixtape” for the book.  With at least 7 songs, explain why you chose those songs.  You can email me the list with the links to the songs (mistercoreyryan@gmail.com).

05. Create a comic based on one of the chapters/parts. There will be a minimum of 10 panels.  Dialogue must be included (in either bubbles or narration at the top or bottom of the panel).    See a graphic novel for an example.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Dinosaur Man: Vocab #1

Dinosaur Man
Words In Context
You have received these words on Monday August, 2016 (unless you were absent)
The Quiz On Words 1-8 Will be on Friday, August 15, 2016

            When Luke was barely two years old, he developed an extraordinary(1) awareness of dinosaurs.  The awareness was unusual not only for the ardent(2) nature of his interest, but also because of the boy’s age.
            It all began in Luke’s preschool.  His teachers introduced the children to a set of dinosaur models, which Luke promptly scrutinized(3).  On the drive home from school, he regaled(4) his mother with tales of triceratops and tyrannosaurus and velociraptor.  She decided to stop at the nearby bookstore to procure(5) a few dinosaur books he might enjoy.  Enjoy?  He simply devoured(6) them.  As his mother read to him, Luke pondered(7) the miracle of creatures so different from those he knew. 
            It soon became obvious that Luke’s love of dinosaurs would endure(8).  Anything with a dinosaur pattern elicited(9) from Luke expressions of sheer(10) glee, so nearly every gift from friends or family catered(11) to this taste.  Before long, representations of dinosaurs adorned(12) his bed sheets and pillowcases, his shower curtain, his bath mat, and even the walls of his room. 
            When Luke’s teachers completed the dinosaur unit and moved on to Native Americans, Luke’s passion for the former(13) did not abate(14).  His parents arranged a trip to various zoos and museums.  They visited Denver’s Museum of Natural History, whose dinosaur display enthralled(15) the future paleontologist.

Below or on back or in your notebook-write the definitions and their parts of speech (Adjective, Verb, Noun)
Use it in a sentence of your own-it will help.
For Example:

Extraordinary:  Adjective is the part of speech.  Supernatural or beyond ordinary is the definition. I am an extraordinary singer because I just became a new One Direction member.