Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Quarter One Reading Requirements

When I Finish A Book I Do This:
First Book Read by Friday September 9, 2016
Second book Read by Monday October 3, 2016
After both books you must either

Present a two minute book talk (summary, genre, what you like about it, theme/main idea) about the book.  The grade will be based on how well you sell this book.  At least one “important” paragraph must be read.  This has to be done directly after warm-ups.  Please sign up in advance (meaning let me know a least a day in advance). 

Or write this on a piece of paper, which I will read out loud to the class. 

Plus, for one of the two independent books you must complete one of the options below by October 3, 2016

01. Draw a picture that represents the theme or the Central/Main Idea.  A caption at the bottom of the picture must be a proficient Theme Statement or Central/Main Idea statement. A theme statement can be something like this one for Eleanor & Park: Love can happen in and instant and disappear in an instant.

02. Build a Legos (or something like that) Diorama of a scene that shows how the setting influences the character & conflicts in the book.

03. write the next chapter of the book. This is a great option for books in a series or books with an ending that leaves you guessing. (Please include a brief summary of the book, especially the cliff hanger ending.

04. Create a “mixtape” for the book.  With at least 7 songs, explain why you chose those songs.  You can email me the list with the links to the songs (mistercoreyryan@gmail.com).

05. Create a comic based on one of the chapters/parts. There will be a minimum of 10 panels.  Dialogue must be included (in either bubbles or narration at the top or bottom of the panel).    See a graphic novel for an example.

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